The company you keep

2011 January 21

I have always believed that we should surround ourselves with people who radiate positive energy and whom we can learn from. People whom we can share laughter and fun with, because they are the ones who put the smiles on our faces long after the events have transpired.

I have always treasured friendships because they are the tried and tested anchors of my life.  When you grow up in a dysfunctional family, true friends are your lifelines. Their company and sense of humor can cushion all the drama life sometimes brings.

We choose people who inspire us, who bring out the best in us.  And as idyllic as it sounds, no one person can provide these to us.  It is equally unfair to lump and expect a single person to be there for you both in good and bad times.  It is like idealizing a marriage and wishing to do everything together with your partner and tell each other everything that’s in your heart and mind.  It is too high an expectation to exact from one human being and is the perfect recipe for setting a relationship up for failure.

In life, we should have all kinds of people whom we can turn to for all kinds of situations.  So when a girlfriend laments that she’s disappointed in her husband because she can’t tell him everything, I stop and smile and say, that’s what girlfriends are for!

There are people we remember all our lives.  Some have changed and moved on. Some we’ve lost because they have broken our hearts or the other way around, some are gone and some remain and stay forever.  They all have their reasons for being in our lives.

Blessed is the person who has many circles of friends to share the defining moments in her life.  Some friends are great for laughter and good times; others for the laid back kind of fun and ya-ya sisterhood variety.  Some friends you can count on at difficult moments and they will always have your back, some are there to enjoy and appreciate a good piece of art, food, wine or music with.  And each circle is not complete without the ones who inspire, boost your morale and encourage you to perfect your craft.

For those blessed enough to have wonderful people in your lives: husbands and wives who stay by your sides through thick and thin, fabulous men and women in your networks, great friends who dance the night away with you, intimate friends you enjoy deep conversations and quiet dinners with and this list can go on, know that grace and gratitude abound.

And to all my wonderful dearest friends scattered all over the world, girlfriends and boy-friends – near and far you know who you are, to my beautiful literary  circle in The Hague who never fail to inspire me and the fabulous people in my network at the Women’s Business Initiative International for all the encouragement and support, I cannot thank you enough for being an essential part of my life.

This post is dedicated to all the people who have made their mark.  You truly are the salt of my earth.

2 Responses leave one →
  1. January 25, 2011

    Oh Jo, every accomplishment and personal achievement I have reached, I owe it all to you, truly. I wouldn’t be where I am with my writing now if it weren’t for a wonderful mentor like you and the support of our writing circle. And you keep sustaining it from afar whenever I read your inspirations and nuggets of wisdom. Thank you for all of that.

  2. January 24, 2011

    Melinda, if I am lucky enough to be a grain of salt on your earth, then the joy and talent and wisdom you brought to our writers’ circle was the icing on my Dutch cake. Love Jo xx

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